Success Stories

Materials Manager, Cork

"It was a pleasure to be working with you again after a break of two years. When we met previously, I was not happy in my job and had experienced a series of set backs. You helped me out of…

White Space Inspiration Getaway

“White Space Retreat was a life-changing experience for me both personally and professionally. Out of it, I recognised and began to develop in a very meaningful way, my innate ability to tap into my achievement pattern. The result was the…

Chief Technical Officer, U.K.

"Ann has helped me to realise my 'true' potential which has lead to me taking charge of my situation. I can now use my situation and opportunities to my advantage and this has enabled me to find my true path…

Ailbhe Harrington Coach, Facilitator and Trainer

“Ann’s coaching was invaluable and so timely for me. I learned to identify what impacts my energy and how to listen more strongly to my body and intuition. Ann was very skilled at building trust, supporting and encouraging me each…

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